Battlefield 2: Euro Force Preview

Written by Geoff Richards

January 12, 2006 | 18:42

Tags: #armored-fury #armoured-fury #battlefield-2 #buy #download #eurofighter #euro-force #geof #leopard #levels #p90 #weapons

Companies: #dice #ea

Battlefield 2: Euro Force Preview Screenshots

Battlefield2: Euro Force screenshots

Battlefield 2: Euro Force Preview Screenshots Battlefield 2: Euro Force Preview Screenshots
Battlefield 2: Euro Force Preview Screenshots Battlefield 2: Euro Force Preview Screenshots
Battlefield 2: Euro Force Preview Screenshots Battlefield 2: Euro Force Preview Screenshots
Click for 1600x1200 screenshots

In addition to these two booster packs, DICE remain "utterly devoted" to providing updates to Battlefield 2. Update 1.2 is currently undergoing public beta testing and will be released "very soon". This new list contains confirmed bug fixes only. There may be more added before its release, but for now, comb through them and see if any of these stand to resolve issues you may be currently experiencing :
  • Helicopter now carry 8 missiles rather than 14
  • TV-Guided missile now have a shorter range
  • Hit points on all air vehicles has been reduced
  • AA missile lock has been improved
  • Support kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
  • Sniper kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
  • Anti-Tank kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
  • "Dolphin Diving" is no longer possible
  • Players can no longer jump and shoot at the same time
  • "Prone Spamming" is now fixed
  • "Sprint exploit" is now fixed
  • The Sa80 weapon has been improved
  • The G3A3 weapon has been improved
  • Reload while sprinting has been enabled
  • Chinese and MEC APCs can now shoot through penetrable materials
  • Damage decreased for the M134
  • Medic defibrillator paddles have been adjusted. They now reload while not in use.
  • Server search filters now work properly
  • All mines (Claymore, Anti-vehicle, C4) can now be picked up by the same class that dropped it by using the "G" key.
  • Mines can no longer be destroyed with other explosives
  • Flash bang effect radius decreased
  • Added unlocks for Sniper and AT kits
  • Fixed a bug in terrain rendering with night vision, whereby terrain was still dark in dark areas.
  • Fixed a bug whereby mods that are not bf2 or not xpack permutate shaders every time a level is loaded.
  • Fixed a bug whereby non-xpack mods cannot use xpack shaders.
  • Fixed bug in TV guided missiles of Havoc helicopter
  • Bug in MP7 fire rate fixed. Ammo count increased and mag count and damage decreased
  • APC Update - "Chinese and MEC APCs can now shoot through penetrable materials". This fix was a miscommunication to the patch team. Chinese and MEC APC’s have been reverted and the LAV25 now no longer shoots through penetrable materials.
  • Vehicles no longer disappear when viewed from some vehicles with a HUD (e.g. Tanks).
  • Performance gain found in static mesh rendering.
  • Detonation radius from grenade launcher explosions has been reduced.
  • Grenade launcher projectiles now have a minimum time before arming.

Some may argue that many of these problems should have been resolved before the game was released back in June. Maybe so, but DICE do deserve some credit for sticking with their product and supporting it. Unlike an MMO game, there is no on-going subscription fee so it is good to see dedication 7 months on to fine-tuning their online universe.

If you're wondering what all the fuss is about, read our launch review, Battlefield 2: Graphics and Gameplay. You will learn not just about the gameplay, but the advanced features of the game's engine and all it's graphical splendour. There are also some benchmarks to give you an idea how the game runs on different systems.
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